Thursday, December 21, 2006

Catching Up To The Future

The future just arrived. Today. Actually, last night. It started last night. M's father pulled me aside to tell me something in confidence. This has never happened before, so you can bet that - even with a few glasses of wine in me - I paid attention... John asked if I had any thoughts on having children. I said that, yes, M. and I have talked about it a lot. He then suggested that I go first, because of my age ("Your clock is ticking," he said), and suggested I do so with M's brother as the donor.


I KNOW!!!! WOW!!!!!

But that wasn't all. NEXT he suggested MY BROTHER AS A DONOR FOR M. This is all pretty big stuff and just so REAL, it was an incredible moment. As a result I can say officially that I have had more "real" moments - moments that you realy can't sleep through; moments that when you're in them you are 100% aware of how important and impacting they are - with M's family than I have with anyone else. They're just good people and have embraced me into their family with such gusto that I can't ignore it anymore. I am HERE TO STAY, and actually HAVE AN IMPACT on their lives. It's an incredible feeling, especially after so much time feeling invisible. Amazing...


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